“Scrumnastics: Successfully Lead & Manage Remote, In-Office, & Hybrid Teams Using Scrum 2020”
Scrumnastics – The Book
One Book – Five Courses!
Available in Paperback and Kindle versions
Get them both on Amazon:
Scrumnastics – Guerrilla Management – Not Gorilla Management.
That’s Scrumnastics…

Scrumnastics: One Book, Five Courses!

Credible Leadership
Learn to be another Winston Churchill, not another little Hitler.

Guerrilla Management, Not Gorilla Management
Like Goldilock’s story: Not too much, – not too little. – Just right.

Lights! Cameras! Sound! Action!
Getting The Very Best For Your Team From Your Online Meetings
Scrumnastics: The Doing of Scrum – And just that bit more
We take Scrum and Agile management practices and we add the best of world class Lean management from companies like Toyota and Panasonic. That’s why we say: “Scrumnastics – Guerrilla Management – Not Gorilla Management.”
This is the Scrumnastics reason why: “To harness and focus the unique power of the human team to unleash as yet undreamt of wealth, products and services.”
You and I have no idea what technologies people will be using in 250 years, but we can be sure that whatever brilliant things people do, they will be achieved by people working in teams. Not people working in departments, but people working in teams.
It’s why we do what we do.

“Nick joined a de-motivated team with unclear processes… within 2-3 weeks he had made a huge impact on morale and within 6 weeks had doubled output per person. More importantly, his management legacy means that the high standards continued after he left.”
My name is Nick Hewyn Holmes and I am the boss of Scrumnastics. My associates and I at Scrumnastics have been successfully project managing, and managing, mentoring, training and coaching permanently remote, online Agile teams since 2016.
In March 2020, overnight we went from “Scrumnastics? They’re the people who work remotely, right? That will never catch on!” to “Hi, Nick! You work remotely, don’t you? When is the soonest you teach us how to do that? Tomorrow?“
So, we did. We helped lots and lots of companies change and cope with working remotely. How to lead their people and manage their businesses better during the lockdowns. Where appropriate, we taught them Agile, Scrum, and Lean management techniques.
After all, we’ve been doing remote working for a long time. I was European programme manager for my first remote working project all the way back in 1995.
We didn’t do this by choice, it was because our clients couldn’t accommodate us on their sites anymore. That meant that we began to iron out all the snags and issues with online working a good four years before you had to, so we know how to do it really well.
Not all potential clients engaged us, which was disappointing. As the original management guru, William Edwards Deming, said, “Change Is Not Necessary. Survival Is Not Mandatory.”
So, why should you listen to me? What sort of projects have I done? How about:
Doubling of a Team’s Productivity inside 6 weeks? Yep.
The removal of 38 million paper Driving Licences project with budget responsibility for £15 million? Yep.
New, computerised MOT 2 System – coping with 40+ million vehicles a year? Yep.
Project Managed the migration of a legacy system to make it fit for the 21st century (responsible for paying out £5.5 billion a year)? Yep.

“Well done Nick! I can vouch that, as a manager, you’re definitely not a psychopath. Some people I’ve worked with think good management is finding a spark of a problem, let it take hold or even fan the flames and then get everyone to drop everything to man the hoses to put out the fire and then tell everyone how good they are at fixing problems.”
“Nick has an amazing knack of managing complexity. Drawing on keen analytical and technical skills and first-rate people skills, he has been able to guide us through a Discovery and give us confidence that our direction, although unexpected, was not just legitimate but ground-breaking. He has also generously coached key team members, leaving behind an agile legacy and an enthusiastic team!”
“Wanted to let you know I interviewed yesterday and have been offered the job! Also wanted to say a huge thanks for getting me through the early months in the job. You were a super coach and I really appreciate it.”
“Nick joined a de-motivated team with unclear processes… within 2-3 weeks he had made a huge impact on morale and within 6 weeks had doubled output per person. More importantly, his management legacy means that the high standards continued after he left”